Talented Goldfish Cracker Goes Viral for Outdoing Itself With This Concert for 6,000 Other Fish

This viral video is the best reason to get 6,001 goldfish crackers out of the Pepperidge Farm section and into your life.

A lone goldfish cracker “singing” its heart out for an audience of countless goldfish as the panning camera reveals has gone viral for being excellent at performing.

In this TikTok video that has been liked nearly 800,000 times, a rapt “audience” of goldfish listening to the Adele hit cover every surface of the living room below the “stage,” seemingly extending forever.

This audience rolls 6,000 deep to be exact, according to the caption. Just go ahead and lean in and look closely for the goldfish as far as the eyes can see in this clip.

This is just the latest – and greatest edition entered into the Someone Like You challenge videos that have been making the rounds online this year. People take stabs at the challenge by meticulously setting up teeny tiny goldfish or Gummi bear or balloon animal concert experiences that rarely disappoint.

There’s something oddly compelling about the staggering crowd. It’s a shame the Grammy nominees were already announced already because these minuscule edible fish could have been contenders. The work that went into this is admirable enough as are the undeniable skills of this sea of goldfish. It is mesmerizing.

This Haribo live event shared by David Kasprak is noteworthy too.

Suffice it to say that the beat has gone on.

And here, with balloons!
