The Jury’s Still Out on Whether Love Is Blind But These Memes Prove It Sure Is Funny

Netflix’s new dating show Love is Blind is a binge-worthy reality show that has taken off.

But if you have managed to avoid the reality show/social experiment during your Netflix binges, it works like this: Couples go on “dates” which consist of lounging in separate “pods” and talking as they try and lure each other into committed relationships, which in The Bachelor set world of reality TV, is defined as marriage.

The twist is that they don’t actually see each other until they’re engaged, hence the whole “love is blind” thing. Those deep conversations seem to work as the folks on the show all seem to fall in love within days of meeting each other, much to the delight of people watching at home. Soon everyone is engaged and frolicking on the beach with their new betrothed as they decide whether to really marry a person they’ve just met. It’s reality show paradise.

The fun of Love is Blind doesn’t end when you turn off Netflix, though. In fact, much of the amusement of watching the show doesn’t involve actually watching the show, but instead seeing the endless stream of memes and reactions that unfold online as other people watch. Through memes on Twitter and Instagram fans can watch people just catching on to the series meet the characters, follow the action, figure out why “Love is Blind Jessica” is trending on occasion, and learning who falls in love love—or not.

Before the finale pops into your Netflix stream tomorrow, here are some of the best memes we’ve seen from fans of Love is Blind:
