Vets Pull Entire Beach Towel From Snake Who Just Can’t Wait for Summer

In what could reasonably (and relatably) be construed as the result of a deep longing for summer, a python swallowed an entire beach towel because who hasn’t done something dramatic while pining for warmer days?

In a video clip shared on Facebook by the Small Animal Specialist Hospital in Sydney, Australia, viewers can watch as the length of an entire beach towel is pulled out of an 18-year-old, 10-foot long female Jungle Carpet pet python named Monty.

According to SASH’s statement posted with the video, the team anesthetized the large reptile before taking radiographs to find where the towel was exactly in her body. They then used a long pair of forceps to pull the towel out of Monty. While this may have seemed like an invasive procedure, the hospital was quick to note that Monty had a swift recovery and discharge.

“Monty was discharged from hospital the same day and her owner reports she is back to her happy, hungry self,” they wrote on Facebook.

See the full clip below.
