Parents Keep Handing Toddlers Raw Eggs to Prove an Adorable Point

Handing a toddler a fragile, raw egg seems like an incredibly bad idea, so naturally parents on TikTok have made it a new trend. What could possibly go wrong?

While you might expect to see babies covered in, well, potential chicken babies, as TikTok user @cassandranguyen981 points out, tiny humans seem to inherently know to be gentle with eggs and she has the video to prove it.

“They say if you give a baby an egg, they will be gentle with it,” @cassandranguyen981 narrates in the original video. “They’re not lying.” In the video, first shared by Buzzfeed, a baby carefully takes hold of the egg and handles it very tenderly and adorably.

To test whether or not a random theory they saw on TikTok was true, other parents bravely handed their own tiny children raw eggs, using @cassandranguyen981’s voiceover as a soundtrack, and sharing their downright darling results on TikTok.

Not every parent was able to prove the theory, though,

And others saw the experiment fail with extremely messy results:

While not every parent was able to show that children innately know to be gentle with eggs, regardless of the result, the videos proved that handing toddlers raw eggs is strangely entertaining.
